Introducing XR4ALL: a fresh new initiative to boost the European XR tech industry
With my startup LucidWeb, it remains our mission to support brands in removing the friction to access VR/AR content across smartphone, desktop and XR headsets. Here you can find an overview of the latest experiences we have built in as well WebAR as WebVR. Then again, since 2016, we have been very committed to moving the European XR industry forward with initiatives as industry mappings (together with the Venture Reality Fund), but also European community building efforts with a clear focus on diversity (Women in Immersive Tech Europe). The XR industry is still in its infancy, and we are strongly convinced that now is the time to collaborate within the industry and definitely across geographical borders.
These initiatives are now key objectives of a new 30-months project, funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 programme, called XR4ALL. Last week, the project was officially launched at Laval Virtual in France.

It is the first initiative by the EU Commission to strengthen the European Immersive Technologies Industry and accelerate its growth.
XR4ALL aims to connect and empower as well as startups, companies and investors active in XR. XR4ALL will reach its objectives by creating a strong XR4ALL brand and community, establishing a new pan-European research agenda, providing easy access to European XR tech and supporting as well the startup entrepreneur as the investor to spur future investments in the European XR industry.
LucidWeb is one of the leading partners of this 30 months initiative, together with Image&3D Europe, Europe Unlimited, the Fraunhofer Heinrich Hertz Institute and B-COM.
The XR4ALL site will serve as a meeting point where the EU XR community will be able to build bridges and find and interact with each other, establishing new lines of communication that will trigger further collaboration. Innovative and groundbreaking European XR technology and research will be featured and brought to a larger audience amplifying the voice of the community and increasing the chances to attract the attention of global investors. The site today is merely a landing page, but more content and features will be added during the following months.
A large component of XR4ALL is financial support. A total of €1.5M will be distributed between 25–50 projects through an open call. If you are interested in finding out more about the open call and in joining the community please visit
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